founder & the man behind our mojo
Ken Mellowship (1959-2019)
Ken was a visionary; a brilliant man with many talents and a diverse career. He was in the armed services; he was a logistics specialist and he worked in the office relocation business.
In 2003, frustrated with the standards in the office relocation industry, Ken established Puzzle Partners. He had the foresight to know that office transition wasn’t just about the military precision required to move physical assets. It was about people. He believed that organisational transformation comes when people, place and technology are aligned. Together they act as workplace change catalysts – they affect how people work, connect, innovate and collaborate. They change the employee experience.
Ken was a pioneer and he set about building a family business to help transition people, information and assets smoothly. A business with the purpose of changing the world, one workplace at a time.
Ken was amazing at connecting with and understanding people, a master of relationship building. He had an eye for talent, and he built a team with diverse backgrounds and unusual skills. Scientists, logistics specialists, organisational psychologists, workplace strategists, HR professionals, word nerds, visual communicators, data analysts and transition experts. They’re all part of the Puzzle family. And while they all travelled different paths to arrive here, they all have one thing in common. They’re passionate about what they do.
Ken defined the Puzzle mojo, how we work, who we are – our DNA. It’s about more than just being experienced or experts, it’s about being unexpected. It’s about being weirdly creative, forward thinking and tackling something never seen before…and nailing it.
This is what makes Puzzle a special place. It’s why clients enjoy the ‘Puzzle experience’, invite us back and why Puzzlers will often do more than one ‘tour of duty’.
It’s why when we’re faced with a challenge, we ask ourselves WWKD?